Функциональная йога

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This may contain: a woman is doing yoga on the floor in front of a wall with words that read, not seeing much progress in flexibility?
Flexibility and Yoga flow Contortion workout | stretch Legs| Fitness
If you seriously want to improve your flexibility. You have to consider adding dynamic and active stretching and maybe even other type of stretching (yes there are many types😉) #yogadailypractices, #yogameditation, #fitnessexerciseathome, #fitbodygoals, #bodytoningworkouts, #bodyweightexercises, #exerciseroutine, #gymvisionboard, #workoutmoves, #gymgoals #bodygymgoals, #bodygoalscurvy, #minigymathomeideas, #bodybaseposes, #anworkout 💗 Credit: @yogiissy
Pistol squats are not impossible, and you absolutely can achieve them! 💪 To accomplish this, you need strength, flexibility, and mobility! Determine which of these three things you need to work on, and be consistent with your practice! Consistency is everything! 😉 Save this post for later and share it with a friend! 🤩 #pistolsquats #pistolsquat #fitnesstips #exercisetips #fitnessprogram
You asked for it and here it is! Chapasana to a pistol squat tutorial! 🔥 Save this for later, share with your yogi friends, and tag me if you try it! 🧘🏻‍♀️ Do you want me to post more ways to add pistols squats to your yoga flow? 😁 #yogaflow #yogatransitions #yogateacher #yogafun #pistolsquats #yogastrong
🦌 Elevate your yoga game! 🌟 Usually I see deer pose used in a yin energy as a way to open the hips. Which is AWESOME, by the way. But you can make a few tweaks and make it a mini activation sequence all on its own. ➡️ reach the fingertips high ➡️ flat back fold (don’t quite drop all the way down) ➡️ flex the feet ➡️ press the knees open ➡️ rotate to the back Activate not just your hips but also legs, feet, arms, and back body in a moving Deer Pose. 🦌 Ready to level up your practice? Add...