
11 Pins
Great-Looking Pecs! 11-Exercise Chest Circuit Workout
Resistance training is any movement that inspires muscles to contract against the force being applied. That force can be in the form of a dumbbell, kettlebell, barbell, resistance band, or even your own body weight. These 11 resistance-training movements will help develop your pectoral muscles and are good for both women and men. It's a complete and highly effective chest workout! #chest #pecs #overfiftyandfit #resistance #training #pectorals #exercise #ideas #workout #fitness #over50 #shape
Kettlebell for Beginners – 12 Exercise Ideas for a Sculpted Body
The kettlebell is an excellent fitness tool for creating a sculpted, defined body – and you only need one! You can do the kettlebell anywhere – home, gym, or outdoors. Here are 12 fun exercises that a beginner can do. #kettlebell #overfiftyandfit #fitness #sculpt #defined #body #gym #outdoor #workout #exercise #ideas #over50 #health
Stronger Abs! 12 Exercises to Firm Your Core Muscles
Your core muscles must be strong in order to center your pelvis properly and align your spine. Remember, when your back is out, YOU are out, so protect your lower back and vital organs by keeping your abdominal muscles beautifully conditioned. These 12 exercises will help you firm your core. #core #muscles #strong #over50 #pelvis #align #spine #overfiftyandfit #lowerback #organs #abs #abdominals #exercises #firm
Ab workout for women | Have Stubborn Lower Belly Fat? (Do These 12 Habits) by jacquelyn #weightlossforwomen #absworkout