Woodworking Courses

Woodworking courses and plans on woodworking techniques. Instructional woodworking classes to download. Courses on Furniture Design, Hand Tool Class, Start Your Own Woodworking Business. Visit www.woodskills.com
29 Pins
Kumiko Thicknessing Sled
Kumiko thicknessing sled in action with fresh sawn Kumiko strip off a bandsaw. Strip has one smooth face, handplaning to 1/8 in. Technique described in Kumiko Course $39 #kumiko #woodwork #woodworking #woodworker #handtools #finewoodworking #handplane #woodworkingjigs @woodskillsmag
Create Rabbet w/ Skew Block Plane
Using a skew block plane with fence to create a rabbet on adjoining small cabinet doors. Other door has matching lip. Learn woodworking techniques and take a woodworking course or class at www.woodskills.com
Edge jointing w/ No. 7 Jointer Plane
Preparing and trimming edge of a cabinet door to fit cabinet. Using a long No. 7 Jointer Plane. More about the technique in Hand Tool Class at www.woodskills.com
Table Saw Push Stick
Had the opportunity to test this innovative table saw push stick design provided by John Sheridan. It excels at safely bearing down on a board while pushing through blade 👍 If you are interested in making your own push stick, contact info in video. Take a woodworking course, class or follow my woodworking plans at www.woodskills.com or www.refinededge.com
Hand Tool Class
Hand Tools Class (Online). Learn to select and use hand tools. Add hand tools to your woodworking for a quiet, dust-free environment. Only $40 at www.woodskills.com
WoodSkills Online Woodworking School
Online woodworking courses and classes. Learn woodworking techniques, follow woodworking and furniture making projects. Learn to use hand tools and power tools. Build a router table, shooting board, Moxon vise, dovetail jig. Design + build your own furniture. Take a woodworking course, follow woodworking plans at www.woodskills.com
Dovetail Class
The online Dovetail Class includes step by step sequences on how to create both through dovetails and half-blind dovetails. I guide you through the process of creating handmade dovetails, drawer bottom grooves and a small drawer. Dovetail Jig plan used in the class included ($14 value).
Virtual Woodworking Classes
Virtual Woodworking Classes on Furniture Design, Kumiko, Starting Woodworking Business. New April dates! Live from Pirollo Design studio.
Virtual Woodworking Classes
Virtual Woodworking Classes on Furniture Design, Kumiko, Starting Woodworking Business. Live from the Pirollo Design studio.
How To Learn Woodworking (Woodworking Basics)
Find out the best options you have to learn woodworking. I explain several methods to learn woodworking and provide insight into the process of how to learn the basics and fundamentals of woodworking.
Quiet Woodworking: In An Unquiet World
Discover how hand tools offer you a quiet, peaceful, dust free woodworking experience. My new book discusses the dichotomy of hand tool woodworking in a modern world. Attain a more fulfilling, better quality of craftsmanship. I delve into how my furniture pieces are created using hand tools. Find out why to include hand tools in your woodworking. 180 pages (eBook). Available at www.woodskills.com
Woodworking Course
Start woodworking today! Online course. Learn woodworking and furniture design, make a shooting board, learn dovetails. Learn Kumiko, build a router table and dovetail jig. Online woodworking courses, plans, live webinars. Learn more at www.woodskills.com
Join our woodworking webinars for a live experience (eBook included)! Learn woodworking, furniture design, Kumiko, hand tool skills, setting up a shop. Expand your creativity while learning new skills. Follow online woodworking classes at your speed. Courses, books, plans also available.
Woodworking courses (online). Learn at your own speed! Learn dovetails, learn Kumiko, learn hand and power tools, joinery, veneering, etc.