
41 Pins
Auditorio Colegio la Enseñanza / OPUS + MEJÍA / OPUS + MEJÍA
Gallery - La Enseñanza School Auditorium / OPUS + MEJÍA - 20
Shenzhen Bao'an International airport, China - Focus envelop | Arketipo
Terminal 3 Bao'an is the first building of this scale to be developed using parametric design techniques shared between designers , engineers and installers.
Menção Honrosa no 8º Concurso CBCA / Alexandre Engel, Lucas Sulzbach, Lucas Medeiros e Henrique Caumo
Corte da pele. Image Cortesia de Alexandre Engel, Lucas Sulzbach, Lucas Medeiros e Henrique Caumo
Arch2O-Alesia and Mistral Cinema Theaters-Manuelle Gautrand Architecture18 -
Arch2O Alesia and Mistral Cinema Theaters Manuelle Gautrand Architecture-10 -
Resultado de imagen para movie theater building architecture
Auditorio Colegio la Enseñanza / OPUS + MEJÍA / OPUS + MEJÍA
La Enseñanza School Auditorium / OPUS + MEJÍA
Galería de Auditorio A / Eduardo Souto de Moura + Graça Correia - 25
Galería de Auditorio A / Eduardo Souto de Moura + Graça Correia - 25