
This may contain: someone is knitting something with their hands
Аккуратные прибавки при вязании клина большого пальца!
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Свитер унисекс Mia sweater chunky
Свитер унисекс Mia sweater chunky
Свитер унисекс Mia sweater chunky
Свитер унисекс Mia sweater chunky
H I T H E R E //testknit//advertisement// my beloved Mia is finished now! And wow- it is love from the first sight 🤍 Pattern:… | Instagram
Slowly but surely, the Bruno Slipover is taking shape on the needles 🙌🏼. All I can say is how much I love the double neckline. I always strive to make it beautiful on both sides. Right now, my favorite technique is using contrasting yarn in the pick-up row. This makes the purl bumps more visible and speeds up the attachment process. Yarn: Anina + Tilia by @filcolana ⠀ The updated pattern will be available in July at www.morecaknit.com & Ravelry. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #makeyourownfashion #knit #knittersofin...
Hope I'm not too late to the party by posting this now! 🎉 I'm so pleased to share my contribution to the very cool and special 5th…
Popknit // Katja Dyrberg on Instagram: "Hektisk uge på strikkekontoret - blandt andet fordi der var deadline på aflevering af mit bidrag til @filcolana SS24-kollektion. Med inspiration i blomstrende haver og nogle af @filcolana s nye farver har jeg strikket et sæt i glatstrik 🙈 med masser af fine detaljer. Garnet er: Farve A: arweatta 380 + tilia 335 Farve B: arweatta 313 + tilia 313 Farve C: arweatta 356 + tilia 356 Farve B: arweatta 379 + tilia 367"
Charlotte | COSY MEMORIES • Her er vi i fullstendig lykkerus om dagen - baby Nora kom til verden for ei uke siden 💗 Da blir det lite strikketid, men... | Instagram