
Phonics resources for lower elementary and special education students. These would include themed and sound-based resources for student practice or assessment.
3.3k Pins
Hearts Children’s Books With Literacy Extension Ideas
Are you looking for some heart themed children’s books to use in your classroom that includes literacy extension ideas? Click here for a list of children's books for the hearts theme that includes literacy extension ideas. Grab a free Hearts Counting Student Booklet! #literacy #reading #childrensbooks #hearts #literacyextensions #theteachingscene #theteachingscenebymaureen
Are you looking for some spring digital phonics sound practice? ​ ​Check this bundle out! ​ ​The bundle includes practice with the vowel teams, controlled r, consonant le & diphthong sounds. ​ ​ ​Students move the phonics pictures to correct phonics sound. Answer keys with the words and suggestions for use are available with this resource. ​ ​#vowelteams #diphthongs #controlledr #bossyr #consnoantle #phonics #decoding #reading ​ ​#theteachingscenebymaureen #theteachingscene
Help students learn each of the Prefixes with this Picture Sort Activity & Worksheets! An all inclusive-package for your students to learn fourteen common prefixes. ​ ​Teaching resource includes sorting mats; picture cards; word cards & worksheets. ​ ​Answer keys are included. Help your students learn the ​ ​Prefixes ​ ​with these easy-to-use activities. #prefix #prefixes #phonics #centergames #worksheets #theteachingscene #theteachingscenebymaureen
Help students learn each of the Prefixes with this Picture Sort Activity & Worksheets! An all inclusive-package for your students to learn fourteen common prefixes.  Teaching resource includes sorting mats; picture cards; word cards & worksheets.  Use these activities for your small your instruction; center activity; assessments;  or homework practice. Answer keys are included. Help your students learn the  Prefixes  with these easy-to-use activities. #prefix #prefixes #phonics #centergames #worksheets #theteachingscene #theteachingscenebymaureen
First Grade March Cross-Curricular Unit With Assessments & Worksheets
Engage your first-grade students with this month long all inclusive cross curricular March Themed Unit. This product offers your students practice with a variety of grade-level Literacy; Mathematics; Science; Social Studies; Technology; & Art standards that are listed in this resource. The packet includes lessons plans; whole and small group activities; student booklets and worksheets; center activities; art & technology to use all throughout the month in all the curricular areas. #March #phonics #reading #math #science #socialstudies #technology #art #theteachingscene #theteachingscenebymaureen
Cross-Curricular Polar Thematic Unit Ideas
Are you looking for some cross-curricular polar themed thematic unit ideas to use with your lower elementary students? A polar theme has so many learning opportunities for children. Just click here to find some wonderful polar themed ideas & grab some Polar Ten Frame Game too! #thematicunits #lowerelementary #themes #polar #phonics #science #socialstudies #math #theteachingscene #theteachingscenebymaureen
Cross-Curricular Hockey Thematic Unit Ideas
Are you looking for some cross-curricular hockey themed thematic unit ideas to use with your lower elementary students? The hockey theme has so many learning opportunities for children. Just click here to find some wonderful hockey ideas & grab some Hockey Math Dice Games too! #thematicunits #lowerelementary #themes #hockey #phonics #science #socialstudies #math #theteachingscene #theteachingscenebymaureen
Cross-Curricular Hockey Thematic Unit Ideas
Are you looking for some cross-curricular hockey themed thematic unit ideas to use with your lower elementary students? The hockey theme has so many learning opportunities for children. Just click here to find some wonderful hockey ideas & grab some Hockey Math Dice Games too! #thematicunits #lowerelementary #themes #hockey #phonics #science #socialstudies #math #theteachingscene #theteachingscenebymaureen