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Аппликация из ватных дисков - Поделки с детьми | Деткиподелки
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Coffee can snowman hat. Made from a painted tin can and felt, as far as I can see it. Nice diy idea! #christmas #craft #recycle
Golden Christmas Kissing Balls Gold and white kissing ball of poinsettias, pine cones, pearly berries, shells, and an ivory bow provides a festive ornament for your hall or entryway.
Christmas DIY: cracking Christmas decorations you can make yourself
Christmas DIY: 25 gorgeous Christmas decorations you can make yourself | Family | Closer Online
5 Simply Beautiful DIY Holiday Decorations
For my candy cane room.... I wonder how long it would stay good for... Would you have to keep them in the wrappers to keep it looking nice?? Any ideas??