
139 Pins
Gefällt 11 Tsd. Mal, 51 Kommentare - Josh Corpuz (@joshcorpuzart) auf Instagram: „290/366 // Day 14. Black ghost. #ajin #inktober #inktober2016“
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Купить Шапка конопляная высокая Бини | Devohome
Illustrations by Lena Vargas Afanasieva | Inspiration Grid
Lena Vargas Afanasieva is a talented artist from the Dominican Republic. More illustrations via Behance
20 Best Tattoos of the Week – July 11th to July 17th, 2013
20 Best Tattoos of the Week – July 11th to July 17th, 2013 (18)
“Aquí la razón por la que me depilé el pecho. Nuevo tatto!!! By @pablo_ortiz_tattoo. #pabloortiztattoo#tattoo#tatuaje#tatto_artwork”
Paultlbt - Ladybird for Kerry. Done using Ink Health, LLC. Killer Ink Tattoo Blk Powder Hustle Butter Deluxe Richie Bulldog Evolution cords World Famous Tattoo Ink — | Facebook
Paul Talbot