скульптура (sculpture)

271 Pins
Standing In The Wind
Standing In The Wind by Carol Peace. Edition of 120 32cms high x 8.5 x 8.5 Iron resin Shown here in progress in wax and in Painted Bronze Resin
After 200 years a statue of Jane Austen has finally been erected
It has taken 200 years, but Britain is finally erecting its first statue of Jane Austen...
Soviet sculpture of model students, Moscow State University [OC]
register Soviet sculpture of model students, Moscow State University
You do not know pain as I do. It is not a pain that I can simply cry and feel better, this pain runs so deep, so deep it cannot be penetrated by anything on this earth. Defeat holds its hand and anger fuels it, anguish, hatred, suffering encompasses me, and I simply ache inside waiting for it all to end.
Похожее изображение
Как живые: Гиперреалистичные скульптуры в стиле ню, от которых захватывает дыхание
Спокойствие. Автор: Luo Li Rong.
Мультперсонаж почтальон Печкин. Цитаты и афоризмы персонажа
Monument to the Postman in Pechkin, Russia - photo from fb.ru