a painting with the eiffel tower in the background

Souvenir de Paris

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Huile et acrylique sur toile Sujet :Gilet jaune Acte 3 2018 du coté de la place de l'étoile , le jaune est la couleur à la mode . About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations. The traditional technique consists of superimposing layers of paint increasingly rich in oil for a solid and durable hanger. Acrylic Paint using traditional pigments mixed with synthetic resins. Technic Painting Painting is an art form of painting on a surface by aesthetically applying colored fluids. Painters represent a very personal expression on supports such as paper, rock, canvas, wood, bark, glass, concrete and many other substrates. Work of representation or invention, painting can be naturalistic and figurative, or abstract. It can have narrative, descriptive, symbolic, spiritual, or philosophical content. Related themes Gliet JauneForce De L OrdreTour EffelArc De TriompheParis View less