Natural  Carnelian ring, Sterling Silver ring, cocktail ring, alternative engagement ring, Carnelian jewelry, Valentine's day jewelry, silver jewellery I T E M  D E S C R I P T I O N:   Gemstone Size= 12 x 10 mm  All jewelry is Handmade and is Nickel/Lead FREE. so you don't have to worry about any allergies. C U S T O M E R  S U P P O R T : We are available 24/7 to answer all your queries.  We create all our products with utmost love and care. Still, if you find any flaws in it, please don't hes Alternative Engagement Ring, Carnelian Jewelry, Carnelian Ring, Alternative Engagement Rings, Silver Rings Handmade, Jewelry Silver, Ring Sterling Silver, Silver Jewellery, Ring Handmade