Super Rare Vintage Zebra Brand Band Tee [Pre-Owned] (2007) Details: This T shirt is very rare. Finding the graphic in yellow is hard to find. Most of the ones circulating the internet have the graphic in a pinkish color but this is the original that I got during their 2007 tour for The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me. Graphic is in pretty good shape. It has some cracks and some wear but doesn't affect the image whatsoever. No fading. No holes/rips. No loose strings. Tag has been removed.  [Purchased in the mid-2000's at a Brand New concert] Size: SMALL [Slim] Color: BLACK Price: $115.00 Shipping: * USPS Priority Mail * Shipping envelope Band Tees, Brand New Band, New Bands, Inside Me, Unisex T Shirt, Adult Outfits, Top Outfits, Brand New, Band