
12 Pins
93) Kracking Krokbragd, Grommit!
Rigid heddle twill
2/1 Twill: Getting started
Yarn in my Pocket: 2/1 Twill: Getting started
Saori Looms & Equipment
I lovethe lookof thisloom. Nowhere there are 1,125 good reasons why I can't own one Saori Santa Cruz - Saori Looms & Equipment
Double Heddle Doubleweave
The arrival of my second heddle meant that I was free to try more complicated works on my rigid heddle loom including double weave. I hav...
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Yarn in my Pocket
Threading diagram for weaving with two heddles on a rigid heddle loom
* Techniques de tissage sur métier à peignes envergeurs « P'tissages
Techniques de tissage sur métier à peignes envergeurs « P'tissages
Rosepath on a rigid heddle loom
Rosepath on a rigid heddle loom – Meilindis Creations
Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
4964875_8980375823_16f3513300 (500x400, 37Kb)
Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
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This 4-Shaft Tie-up is My Gift to You
Tie-up for 4 Shafts