Block Print

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Открытка С Днем Рождения Ver.2
Открытка С Днем Рождения Ver.2
Instagram photo by @mamalaterre via
“Patterns of today. #allstampshandcarved”
"{ week 4 } of my #52weeksofprintmaking challenge is a hand carved hexie block printed onto linen and a calico craft bag :: inspired by some tiles I saw on Instagram a few weeks ago ✳️" Photo taken by @yardagedesign on Instagram, pinned via the InstaPin iOS App! (01/25/2015)
More patterns with circles. And in blue. #regnitzflimmern #allstampshandcarved
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hen&rooster rubber stamp set. hand carved stamps. hand carved rubber stamp. diy wedding/easter. hen/rooster. craft projects. set of 2.
Andrea Lauren: Bird Block Print Stamps by Andrea Lauren
Set Forth Studio – Cacti Linocut Print in Progress // Three cactus in decorative pots // This art print will look gorgeous on your wall, or makes a great gift! Using traditional linocut techniques, each original print is individually drawn, carved, inked, hand-pulled and subtly unique! The shop is chock-a-block with greeting cards & paper goods to reignite your penchant for snail mail, and graphic artwork to fill that vacant spot in your reading nook.