эскизы, мода, зарисовки(рюши, воланы, складки , эл-ты платья, фасоны)

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Different ways to draw ruffled skirts. -- Drawing tools, inspiration, creativity, tutorial, reference sheet, guide, girl, cute, poses
CLOSED - PP clothes 2 by Guppie-Vibes on DeviantArt
250 pts or 2.5 USD / outfit- OPEN SALE by Guppie-Adopts on DeviantArt
1610-1615 British jacket linen plain weave, embroidered with silk and metallic threads and spangles - metallic bobbin lace (Mueum of Fine Arts - Boston, Massachusetts USA) | Grand Ladies
1610-1615 British jacket linen plain weave, embroidered with silk and metallic threads and spangles - metallic bobbin lace (MFA Boston)
Robe / Cape brodée
Promenade dress | American | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Promenade dress, American, ca. 1903. Wool and silk. Metropolitan Museum of Art
1770s - 18th century - woman's outfit with mixed print fabrics (jacket in floral, skirt in a different floral, apron in plaid/checks, and cap in floral) - From "An album containing 90 fine water color paintings of costumes." Turin : [s.n.] , [ca.1775]. In the collection of the Bunka Fashion College in Japan. Underneath the illustration is handwritten in pencil "North Holland." - Netherlands - Dutch.
Fripperies and Fobs
Evening dress ca. 1895 From the Kent State University Museum... - Fripperies and Fobs
Detail front, caraco and petticoat, 1790-1800. Very fine white cotton, embroidered with garlands of vine and grape clusters.