
Portable Drill Press
The Strong Arm 5HD portable drill press can push or pull with up to 5x more force than hand drilling. Works great in awkward positions.
Kit 2 Cavalete Madeira Mesa Regulagem De Altura E Prateleira - R$ 399,77
cavalete madeira pra mesa escritorio com regulagem de altura
SV388 - Link đăng ký đăng nhập Sv388 chính thức tại việt nam
spoon carving jig Mais
Photo Index - Canedy-Otto Manufacturing Co. - No. 00 Post Drill
Photo Index - Canedy-Otto Manufacturing Co. - No. 00 Post Drill | VintageMachinery.org
Wood Lathe
Wood Lathe In this view the workpiece as mounted on a 1/4" threaded rod secured by each chuck. The tool rest is also in position.
Projeto Reboque Trikebike Food Compact - R$ 39,99
Food Bike Foodbike Foodtruck Vintage Custom Trike - R$ 7.300,00
Got my lathe done last night on the first night of 2016. Now to figure out the idiosyncrasies of this lathe, and turn bowls till I need a hip replacement. Looks like '16 will be the year of the bowl. #polelathe #polelatheturning #handcraft #woodculture