
305 Pins
Pérgola Voramar | arquiayuda: Ayuda PFC Arquitectura. Servicios de arquitectura para profesionales y estudiantes de arquitectura.
maqueta-arquitectura-negrosobreazul-paseo-pergola-arquiayuda (2)
23rd October 2014 Tutorials
23rd October 2014 Tutorials |
INVOLUTION | Savannah Georgia -
Arch20 INVOLUTION Savannah Georgia | The Larry Martin studio took a long hard look at the conventional column design and decided to completely revolutionize it.
SCAD Digital Fabrication Club |(L)ABnormal -
Arch2o-SCAD Digital Fabrication Club (L)ABnormal (7)เป็นดั่�
kengo kuma devises 'tsumiki', a system of stackable wooden modules
kengo kuma devises 'tsumiki', a system of stackable wooden modules
Amanda Levete's forest-like MPavilion opens in Melbourne
Fibreglass petals overlap to create the transparent roof of Amanda Levete's forest-inspired MPavilion.