
17 Pins
Left Brain - Right Brain
I am the left brain. I am a scientist. I am a mathematician. I love the familiar, I categorise. I am accurate. Linear, Analytical, Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. Master of words and language. Always in control. I calculate equations and play with numbers.... I am the right brain. I am creativity. I am a free spirit. I am passion. Yearning. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter. I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feet. I am movement. Vivid colours...
DIY Apartment Decor
DIY Apartment Decor | http://www.hercampus.com/school/wwu/diy-apartment-decor
Industrial House Numbers ¿Es hora de reemplazar su número de casa signo ? Este proyecto es muy simple y fácil , pero brillante . Es creativo y también un signo más seguro que puede sobrevivir a un tifón
DIY Monogram Planter Tutorial
This extra large monogram planter will add some beautiful color to your front walkway! Built with cedar to withstand watering and weathering, plus you can easily re-plant when this season's blooms are done. Tutorial from Ellery Designs on Remodelaholic.com.
Using Letters for Decorating - Ideas & DIY Projects • The Budget Decorator
Popsicle Stick Hexagon Shelf -- Easy DIY Wall Art
Add some mid-century charm to your gallery wall with this DIY wall art idea. All you need is popsicle sticks, glue and some stain to make this inexpensive home decor knockout. Click to see the full tutorial and download the hexagon template. | MakeAndDoCrew.com via @makeanddocrew
DIY Fotokerze – Bringe Erinnerungen zum Leuchten | mydays Magazin
Fotokerze - Erinnerungen zum Erleuchten bringen. Mit einer DIY- Fotokerze bringst Du die schönsten Erinnerungen mit Deinem Lieblingsmenschen zum Leuchten! Eine Geschenkidee, die man so in keinem Laden findet! Was Du dafür benötigst und wie es funktioniert, erfährst Du in unserem mydays Magazin.
DIY: Onderzetters van takken, super easy to make! | Follow Fashion
Interior DIY: Coasters