
480 Pins
Заморозка зеленого лука и стрелок. Отличный способ.
Заморозка зеленого лука и стрелок. Отличный способ.
Сливовый кетчуп
Сливовый кетчуп - рецепт с фото
Сушка кабачков, баклажанов и огурцов на зиму | Сушеные овощи
Сушка кабачков, баклажанов и огурцов на зиму | Сушеные овощи
Как сушить базилик (веточки не выбрасываем!!!)
Как сушить базилик (веточки не выбрасываем!!!) - YouTube
Freezer Crock Pot Cooking
34 healthy meals prepped in one day for $150... If you can manage a day like this - it would save lots of family time later! Check out the entire article and recipe/ingredient list HERE
Vegan on a Budget: Freezing Avocados and Other Stuff Recipe - Well Vegan
Vegan on a Budget: Freezing Avocados and Other Stuff - Well Vegan // What freezes well & how to keep your freezer cold
11 Healthy Freezer Meal Prep Sessions That Will Simplify Your Life
11 Healthy Freezer Meal Prep Sessions That Will Simplify Your Life (grocery Lists and printable recipes included). Simply combine the ingredients in a gallon-sized bag and freeze!
How To Make Calzones at Home
How to Make Calzones (And Freeze Them for Later!) | The Kitchn
20 Foods To Stock Your Freezer With (And How To Do It)
27 Make-Ahead Recipes That Freeze Well And Make Great Leftovers
Leftovers = lifesavers.
Smiths and Peaches
SUPER IDEA !!! ... mix up each batch and place each pie filling in it's own freezer bag. I then place the freezer bag in a pie pan and place it in the freezer to freeze in that shape. Once the filling is frozen, I take it out of the pan and store the fillings in stacks in the freezer. When I want to make a pie, all I have to do is unwrap a filling, plunk it into the crust, and bake
Замороженная зажарка для борща - быстрый борщ зимой
Замороженная зажарка для борща - быстрый борщ зимой