Susie McMahon Dolls

72 Pins
Easter Feasting, A New Doll, and a Celebration
Susie McMahon Dolls: Easter Feasting, A New Doll, and a Celebration
authentic fauxhemian
puppet: Girl Doll Head, Painted (by susie_mcmahon).
GA0004A StrawBerina, Mix n' Match, Natural Love [GA0004A] - $193.00,
GA0004A StrawBerina, Mix n' Match, Natural Love [GA0004A] - $193.00,
Two Heads Are Better?
Susie McMahon Dolls: Two Heads Are Better?
Artemisia52 - Professional, Traditional Artist | DeviantArt
(in progress) Susie McMahon.
Cloth and Clay Dolls - for art doll makers and those interested in giving it a try
The Problem Of Joints