
How To Carve Wood - A Start Up Guide For Beginners - Woodworking Session
How To Carve Wood – A Start Up Guide For Beginners | Woodworking Session
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Workbench Tool Caddy - FineWoodworking
Workbench Tool Caddy - Reader's Gallery - Fine Woodworking
Covert Knives 1
Crawford Push Pick -- A very unique concealable weapon, that is great for covert collectors. Completely hand made from the finest materials. The blade is 440C and the knurled handle is anodized hard aluminum. The blade screws in and out so that it can be made into an ice pick, a push dagger, or the blade will store inside the handle to make a kubaton. Very light and strong. Price $95.00
Stanley 2×4 Clamp
Stanley came out with a new beam clamp that works with standard 2x4 lumber.