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15 Pins
The Haunting New Bedford Orphuem
Abandoned New Bedford Orpheum Theater in Massachusetts. Opened in 1912, closed in 1959. Stunningly beautiful still.
Theatre Baroque
I love old theatres. One day, I'd like to buy and restore one
Fascinating Photos Highlight the Forgotten Beauty of Abandoned Buildings
Germany-based freelance photographer Matthias Haker has a special artistic interest in exploring the architectural nuances of the many abandoned buildings that he comes across. From decaying ballrooms to forsaken hotel lobbies ostentatiously missing their guests, through his vivid imagery Haker restores a sense of dignity to each of the decrepit structures. Upon initial glance his photographs almost appear like paintings, as he highlights the abstract beauty that can be found within the laye...
New vintage furniture stock at Vamp - 10 May 2013
VAMP FURNITURE: New vintage furniture stock at Vamp - 10 May 2013
Teen Suspended For Dressing Like Homeless Man For Drama Class
Old theater chairs We put these in the K.H. In 1970
New, Used, & Sample Wedding Dresses - Nearly Newlywed
Blue velvet theatre seats- Maybe they kept a row from their latest Cinema remodel and have it a piece of furniture at their home?
simply-divine-creation: Velvet seating area »» Alex Andrew... (FleaingFrance.com)
simply-divine-creation: Velvet seating area »» Alex Andrew...
Going to see a show is not relaxing, it is a whirlwind--a mammoth gale sweeping the soul from one side of the emotional spectrum to the other. Performing is no different.