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35 Pins
6 Ways to Customize the Ikea Kura Bed - Petit & Small
The Ikea Kura bed is even more versatile than you might imagine. You can paint it, add a canopy, wallpaper, garland…and also use plywood to build something custom (what do you think about making some pull-out drawers or build a little forest house?). The Kura bed is reversible, and it […]
Sigurd Larsen adds plywood playhouse to Michelberger hotel room
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American-made, sustainable, and larger-than-life. These building boards let…
Så skapar du en klassisk New England-stil hemma – 7 inredningsknep
mommo design: PLYWOOD LOVE- from cradle to play house
mommo design: PLYWOOD LOVE- from cradle to play house
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The Hobbit Hole Store - Little Merry Hobbit Hole, $1,595.00 (http://www.hobbitholestore.com/little-merry-hobbit-hole/)
Hunker: Inspired Home Design, Gardening Tips, and DIY Improvements
Forget tree houses and mini kitchens, I'm building my kids a hobbit hole. You need to remember this.