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22 Pins
Стильный табурет из старого джемпера
Стильный табурет из старого джемпера / Домоседы
В гостях у Марселя Графа в Берлине | Westwing
В гостях у Марселя Графа в Берлине
25M views · 220K reactions | Minimalist Concrete Stool | Make this minimalist concrete stool with a five-gallon bucket! 👌 | By Tasty Home | Facebook
Minimalist Concrete Stool
How to Build a Paper Plate Spiral Marble Track - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
How to Build a Paper Plate Spiral Marble Track
Set of 3 Wooden Hexagon Shelves. Handmade with wood reclaimed from a vintage piano. Remnants of glue, lacquer finish, and antique stain remain on the wood imparting a charming, rustic look. These shelves work well alone or in a honeycomb grouping. DenneheyDesign.com