Pit Bulls питбулей

Maple would like everyone to know that TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!! #pitbullsofinstagram #rescuepup #rescuedog #rescuedogs #ado...
Sebastian #A4285638 Adoptable 2Y Pittie. Huge crush on this boy. Sweet gentle affectionate lover boy waiting for a ...
Moms bed is the most comfy ... #syreblukennel #pitty #pitbullpuppy #pitbullsofig #dogs #pitbullmom #bullybreed ...
Boxer Dogs Brindle
All About The Protective Boxer Dogs #boxerdogsarethebestdogs #boxerdogsboxeroninstagram #boxerdogsfunny
Soooo this happened today. Everyone meet Chewbacca Chewy for short. Thank you @humanemiddletown for blessing us with ...
Judging me doesnt define who I am.... It defines who you are! -unknown #pitbull #pitbulls #...
Follow @pitbulldogstuff Nice day #xililaix #pittbull #pittbulllife #happypitties #pitbullove #pitties #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #dogsofinst...
Cloudi is ready for adoption! Hes such a wonderful pup perfect with other dogs and crate-trained and doing really wel...
oh my.. look at those floppy ears! #pitbull #puppy
. . . #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #pitbulls #pittienation #pitties #pittie #pibble #pibblelove #pitbull_love #ilove...