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(71) Однокласники
The bench that plays mind-games! - Yanko Design
“Defying expectation, hard becomes soft”. The Stix bench uses 121 spring-loaded wooden members as a part of its hard-yet-soft upper surface. Upon seating, working on a crude substitution of what a cushioned surface would do, the members slide downwards, taking the contour of your backside, providing a naturally comfortable seating even though the wood is designed to look hard and sturdy.
16 современных и функциональных идей для хранения разнообразных вещей
Оригинальная вешалка в прихожую.
Pantonia та Vesselka від Юрія Цегли – his.ua
HIS: Made in Ukraine. Меблі та предмети декору від вітчизняних майстрів
Wooden Coin Bank Plans
Wooden Coin Bank Plans - Woodworking Plans and Projects | WoodArchivist.com
The Woven Door... by Lancia Brothers Woodworking and Fixtures in St. Louis, Mo.
The Woven Door... by Lancia Brothers Woodworking and Fixtures in St. Louis, Mo.
Si Pinocho levantara la cabeza: productos de madera molones. - muymolon