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Woodpeckers Shelf Pin Template combines both ¼” and 5 MM holes and works with self-centering drills bits, router guide bushings and even plain drill bits (with optional drill guide.) For your convenience we're also offering the American Made Snappy Shelf Pin Guided Drill Bits which work very nicely with the template. All made in the U.S.A.! More Information: http://www.woodpeck.com/shelfpintemplate.html
ZipShape Wood Bending
Cristoph Schindler at the ETH, using a 5-axis CNC mill to "zipper" sheets of wood together into curved forms.
Why spend money for a fancy drill stop? This will work on a drill press too.
Four historically accurate molding styles, compared side by side
Historical moldings. Good to know .
How to Cut Perfect Circles on a Bandsaw
Learn how to cut perfect circles using a simple bandsaw jig.