
109 Pins
BabooNYC known for selling most exquisite, whimsical pieces
Ronel Jordaan has followed her passion for #textiles, #creativity, and #nature. Her products are entirely #eco-friendly, making sure no material or substance goes to waste - such as #recycling #water into #organic #food #farms. Textiles ranging from #cushions, #pillows, #curtains, and #carpets, are made by Ronel and her team by delicately rubbing and coaxing threads of pure #wool into nature-inspired shapes. Ronel Jordaan textiles are featured in BaBoo, our San Francisco interior design sto...
Your place to buy and sell all things handmade
Felt Flower Cuff Narrow - Celadon. £45.00, via Etsy.
Claudy Jongstra I would like to make one similar for the lounge wall
Nuno Felted scarf Wool Silk Green Mustard Red rust Lichens collage Abstract Contemporary Original Modern Art
Nuno Felted scarf Wool Silk Green Mustard Red by VitalTemptation, $189.00
Textiles: 3D
Jo Hyam - Textiles: 3D Jo Hyam - made by sandwiching silk fibres, tiny pieces of fabric and textured threads between layers of soluble film & machine stitched. I may add hand stitching, beads, or glitter. - damp cloth is placed over a mould, eg a vase, a medium (such as varnish) added, and left to dry; the more shaped, ruched or folded pieces will be dried with a hair drier to set the piece before being left for up to a week to dry completely. http://www.johyam.co.uk
Nuno Felted Scarf Wrap
Nuno Felted Scarf Wrap
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Nuno Felted scarf Wool silk Mauve Gray Red by VitalTemptation, $69.00
Nuno Felted Scarf
Nuno Felted Scarf
Зеленая как гусеница, которая мечтала стать бабочкой: Персональные записи в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Зеленая как гусеница, которая мечтала стать бабочкой - Ярмарка Мастеров - ручная работа, handmade
" Плакучая ива" Коллекция " Акварельные этюды" в интернет-магазине на Ярмарке Мастеров | Харьков - доставка по России. Товар продан.
Купить " Плакучая ива" Коллекция " Акварельные этюды" - оливковый, абстрактный, юбка