old times

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Crew member "Self" (a.k.a. William E. Howard) on board R.R.S “Discovery” 28th December 1930
Crew member W. F. Howard on board R.R.S “Discovery” 28th December 1930 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Tutsi people (Rwanda, Burundi & parts of Congo and Uganda)
Africa | Last queen of Rwanda, Rosalie Gicanda, married King Mutara Rudahigwa (Mutara II) in 1942. Mutara was a Tutsi tribesman | Photographer and date of this photo unknown.
LightBox | Time
French officers of the 370th Infantry Regiment pose in the ruins after a German attack at the Chemin des Dames near Reims in 1917. They have a bicycle and the flag of the 370th Infantry Regiment. The region was one of the worst battle grounds on the Western Front during World War I.
TheMess Forums
German captain (Hauptmann), 1940 01- M-38 officers' forage cap 02 - M-35 helmet with Heeres markings 03 - M-35 officers' jacket, white mark...
WWII War Paint: How Bomber-Jacket Art Emboldened Our Boys
An A-2 jacket worn by an American air gunner in the 86th Bomb Squadron, 47th Bomb Group. The dog was the squadron mascot, and the outline of Italy indicates were he served.
German Airforce (Luftwaffe) Paratrooper
War Uniforms - Page 4
Major, maintenance units of the 1st Polish Armoured Division, Germany, 1945