Protecting Yourself in Relationships

15 Ways We Keep the Spark Alive
We expect the spark to stay alive in our relationship if we sit back and put no effort into it. This union needs nurturing and protection.
How To Handle Toxic People Successfully | ShineSheets
Dealing with toxic people can be draining and challenging, but it’s a part of life that many of us have to face. Understanding how to navigate relationships with toxic people effectively can help you maintain your peace and protect your well-being. Here’s a guide to handling toxic individuals with grace, while protecting your own emotional and mental health.
How to Stay in Love After Kids | 4 Practical Actions to Take Today
Ever feel like it's a struggle to stay in love after kids enter the picture? Here are four practical actions you can take TODAY to keep your romance alive. | marriage | marriages | married | relationship | relationships | husband | husbands | wife | wives | life | share experiences | pillow talk | touch | touching | avoid distractions | live in the moment
8 Cool Reasons You Should Keep Your Relationship Private
You’re in a relationship and want to share it with the world. You want to tell your friends and family how happy you are, but you also want to protect your privacy. The thing is, most people don’t understand why you would want to keep your relationship private. They might say things like, “Oh, it’s …
Wives: Protect your Marriage by Avoiding These
Lack of workplace boundaries has led to many broken marriages. That's because many married women don't understand how this can affect their relationship dynamics. If you take these 7 advice for broken homes, you could save your marriage for a lifetime.
Radical responsibility is an essential to have a happy relationship
If you want to be happy in a relationship or life in general, you must adopt radical responsibility for your choices and actions. This is an empowering attitude and you protect yourself from negative influences of your environment and past.
Slowly I'm Learning To Not React, To Ignore Things That Bother Me, To Let Things Be..
Slowly I'm Learning To Not React, To Ignore Things That Bother Me, To Let Things Be.. -
Understanding the Basics of Narcissism
Narcissism is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement, a profound need for admiration and attention, and a lack of concern and empathy for others. Narcissists often come across as arrogant and pretentious, believing they deserve special treatment and exaggerating their achievements and talents. They usually take advantage of others to achieve their goals, using various manipulation strategies to exert dominance and control in relationships. Learn more...
How to Cultivate and Strengthen Oneness in Marriage
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24 As a new bride, I had no idea I’d have to protect my one flesh union from well-meaning family and friends. Cultivating and strengthening my marital oneness was not something that even occurred [...]
How to Love Your Spouse Well - Kaylene Yoder
Are you wondering how to love your spouse well? Don't miss these 14 ways to show love to your spouse and strengthen your marriage. It's a great way to ignite the spark in your marriage, too! || Kaylene Yoder #marriage #love #christianmarriage