Who painted this painting?
The Borodino battlefield at the 1912 Centennial celebration.The 4 grand-duchesses & parents with Alexei between them in his War-time coat & Medal of St. George & besides Anastasia a younger Alexei in a parade uniform, partly concealing an even younger Alexei in his sailor suit from the Standart! His painting seems a metaphor of the glorious Russia that had vanished. An ode to an Empire that is no more by Pavel Ryzhenko
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Святая княгиня Ольга - Православный журнал "Фома"
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Корзухин Алексей Иванович.Scene from the history of the Streletsky Riot. Ivan Naryshkin falls into the hands of the rebels
Просвещение для дам: краткая история женского образования в России
Крещение Руси (картина) — Виктор Михайлович Васнецов
Крещение Руси. Виктор Михайлович Васнецов
Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
Painting of the Preobrazhensky Regiment giving their Oath to Tsaritsa Elizabeth Petrovna Romanova (29 Dec 1709-5 Jan 1762 age 52) Russia by artist Fedor Moskovitin. Child of Tsar Peter I The Great (1672-1725 age 52) Russia & wife Catherine I (1684–1727 age 43) Poland. She took the throne leading the Preobrazhensky Regiment via Coup from baby Tsar Ivan VI (1740-1764 age 23) Russia & arrested him, his parents & their relatives. Family favorites were sentenced to death.