
248 Pins
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Unique, Handmade spats, Recycled fabric, Steampunk, gaiters,Gothic lolita by Ladyhawksews on Etsy
DIY Studded Sandals | Collective Gen
Victor Powell's handmade, custom-fit sandals, out of Provincetown, MA! I will have a pair of these one day... #diysandals
Project – Shoes
arious shoes that we want to try making...and eventually we'll have pictures of the ones that we do. As of 7/27/14 - This project has totally stopped except for research. Anja is looking into making fabric shoes, as well, or hosen with soles. We've gotten as far as making tracings of feet..... as of 5/4/14…
Как сделать домашние тапочки из старого меха - Сам себе мастер - Медиаплатформа МирТесен
Теплые домашние тапочки из старого меха
HOWTO make Viking shoes
HOWTO make Viking shoes - Boing Boing
Ольга Ольга
Шьем пинетки нашим деткам из меха + выкройка
candra - Дневник candra
Yellow fish by hand - American Baby Shoes tutorials and patterns