
45 Pins
(Oil replacement solution) Magnetic Motor - Electric Car Without Battery.
The solution to a battery pack in an Electric vehicle!
Drive system of the future. The eCorner Module puts an electric motor inside every wheel
Teslas electric vehicle (EV) motor design vs. the traditional internal combustion engine read an interview with Teslas lead motor engineer for a look into the Tesla Motors approach and methodology click the link in our bio for access. __________________
Arduino Relay Tutorial
An Arduino Uno driving 1 relay on a 4 relay board. The board uses optoisolators to protect the Arduino.
Going Solar
From an environmental perspective, solar power is the best thing going. A 1.5 kilowatt PV system will keep more than 110,000 pounds of carbon dioxide.
The Fundamental Laws of Electricity and Safety
Perhaps you're familiar with the myth that getting between the neutrals can hurt you worse than touching the hot. In fact, grounded (neutral) conductors