
64 Pins
Floor made using end pieces of 2X4s. Would need to grout or caulk -- if grout, might need to use a formula such as poly mix and sawdust and steel wool to clean off excess. Need to use a polyurethane -- might need to redo that periodically.
Tree Stumps as Interior Decoration | Design & DIY Magazine...LARGE stump, hollowed out and turned on side, w/sturdy support/stand/legs becomes an interesting outdoor or indoor chair
panneaux de béton - concrete panel
Panneaux de béton - concrete panel - ATELIERB | Flickr : partage de photos !
Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles & More | eBay
Steampunk Lamp Industrial Machine Steam Gauge Light Re-Claimed Engine Loft
Steampunk Lamp Industrial Machine Age Steam Gauge Floor Light Train Gear | eBay
Steampunk Lamp Industrial Machine Age Steam Gauge Floor Light Train Gear in Table Lamps | eBay
18 Steampunk Decor Flourishes That Will Make Any Room Badass
This clock made almost solely of gears. | 18 Steampunk Decor Flourishes That Will Make Any Room Badass
18 Steampunk Decor Flourishes That Will Make Any Room Badass
18 Steampunk Decor Flourishes That Will Make Any Room Badass
18 Steampunk Decor Flourishes That Will Make Any Room Badass
This copper pipe bookshelf. | 18 Steampunk Decor Flourishes That Will Make Any Room Badass