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Кайма листики спицами узор№017 Border of leaves with a needle pattern number017
(20326) Кайма листики спицами узор№017 Border of leaves with a needle pattern number017 - YouTube
Rosy, posy...cosy ♻️♻️♻️ Many of the times I need to explain a technique used on a pattern to a customer...I go and get my Oak Folk Dolls clothes! And this reminds me that little pieces like these are such a great resource to everyone who is learning how to knit! I always try to use the same techniques as I did on the baby clothes, so when you finish your doll size piece you know for sure you can knit the baby size piece too! Here I needed to explain how to work the attached icord on the...
Вышивка по вязанному полотну | Интересный контент в группе Я Рукодельница. Вязание
This may contain: a woman's hand holding a pair of scissors over a blue knitted blanket
This may contain: someone is knitting a pink sweater with a heart sticker on the front and bottom
This may contain: someone is holding up a small piece of knitted material with the words decorating blanka slippers on it