О мышах и тайнах

Pimp my Game - Mice and Mystics
Cult of Game, board gaming, war gaming, miniature figurine painting, game modding and pimping, polymer clay, sculpey, fimo, terrain, Rom Brown.
Alternate view of the centipede from Mice and Mystics. - Painted by JD Wiker
The rat warriors from Mice and Mystics. - Painted by JD Wiker
An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields Miniature Gaming Website
Mice & Mystics roaches from Plaid Hat Games painted by Neldoreth - An Hour of Wolves & Shattered Shields
Painted Mice and Mystic Miniature Jackobe Gecko
https://flic.kr/p/Gfn8f1 | Painted Mice and Mystic Miniature Jackobe Gecko
Complet set of miniature for Sorrow and Remembrance | Mice and Mystics
Complet set of miniature for Sorrow and Remembrance | Mice and Mystics | BoardGameGeek
Tail Feathers finished
I finished painting the riders from Tail Feathers. Here they are in all their glory! Next up on my table are some Zombicide: Black Plague fi...
Tail Feathers: Meadowlark
And here's my Meadowlark for Tail Feathers. (I believe it's supposed to be a starling originally -- I'll paint one up with my second copy...
Tail Feathers: More birds
Here are couple more birds, a Blue Jay and a Baltimore Oriole. These are very easy to paint, and are still rewarding with minimal effort. ...