Natural Solutions

If you are interested in nontoxic products, safer ingredients, natural products, homemade products, alternatives to medicine, or other types of natural solutions then this board is for you.
663 Pins
Bugs Away! Homemade Essential Oil Mosquito Repellent That Works
Warm days filled with swimming, barbecues, and…mosquitos! Want to avoid DEET but hate wasting your time on other sprays that DON'T work? THIS DIY non-toxic mosquito repellent works like a charm and is made with child-safe essential oils! #bugspray #diybugspray #essentialoils #essentialoilbugspray #homemadebugspray #bugrepellent #diybugrepellent #toxinfree
How to Reduce Inflammation with Nutrition & Lifestyle
How to Reduce Inflammation with Nutrition & Lifestyle | Healthy Living Tips - All have been linked to chronic, ongoing inflammation (yikes!). To reduce our risk of illness and these scary, adverse outcomes, it’s important to understand the root cause of inflammation and how to prevent it with nutrition and lifestyle | Inflammation Tips | Natural Remedies | Wellness Tips | Four Wellness Co. #wellness #healhty #Inflammation
Eucalyptus Leaf Oil - Nature's Cleanser!
Eucalyptus leaf oil is an excellent ingredient in skin care as it has many benefits and uses! One of its most common uses is as a skin cleanser since it has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic, Greek, and European medicine has used eucalyptus oil for this purpose for thousands of years. Find out all the benefits of eucalyptus leaf oil for the skin as well as how you can incorporate this magical oil into your daily routine!
Armpit Detox: A Necessary Step In Transitioning To Natural Deodorant
Armpit Detox: A Necessary Step In Transitioning To Natural Deodorant
Top 7 Natural Bug Repellent Essential Oils
How to use essential oils to naturally repel bugs. Also discover 2 DIY bug repellent recipes for skin. #naturalbugrepellent #essentialoilstips #diybugrepellent
Natural Remedies For Stomach Ache
These simple natural remedies provide instant effective DIY relief for stomach ache and indigestion including gas, bloating, heartburn and reflux and help to improve long term gut health. #stomachache #indigestion #naturalremedy #reflux #heartburn
10 Effective Acupressure Points for Cold Symptoms Relief
Learn how to use acupressure to treat cold and flu symptoms with 10 best acupressure points for cold symptoms relief. Acupressure points for cough. Acupressure points for cold and sinus. Acupressure points for phlegm. Acupressure points for cold and headaches
Balance Hormones Naturally For Women
Learn how to balance hormones naturally through following these recommendations. Including natural supplements to help restore and balance hormones naturally and dietary tips. Hormone imbalance can cause weight gain and prevent you from losing weight. Read how to recognize hormones imbalance symptoms and learn natural remedies that can help. #weightloss #womenshealth #wellness #fitness #hormoneimbalance
11 Best Natural Remedies for Back Pain - Being Fierce After Forty
Back pain stops us from living life & being productive at work. Read up on natural remedies for back pain that can help bring relief. #backpain #naturalremedies
Go Smudge Yourself!
Almost every store in the USA is out of antibacterial cleansers. Do not worry #coronavirus is airborne, so can be killed with any of the smudging properties listed in the blog, sage is also still being sent by Amazon. Follow my stop by step guide to clear out negative energy and gross bugs. #preventcoranavirus
How to Grow 85% of Your Own Food This Year
Here's how we grow almost all of our own food. Grow a garden and take care of your own food supply! Order vegetable seeds now and plan a garden to feed your family during uncertain times. #food #growyourownfood #coronavirus #foodsafety #selfsufficient
How to Prevent a Cold And Knock Out Symptoms Fast - DIY With My Guy
My Family's Natural Remedies for Getting Rid Of Cold Symptoms Fast! #cold #coldremedies #naturalremedies #diyhealth #homeremedies #coldremediesfast #sickness #sick