
369 Pins
Sexy Solid Patchwork V Neck Pencil Skirt Dresses(4 Colors)
Sexy Solid Patchwork V Neck Pencil Skirt Dresses(5 Colors)
Feline - Chic summer dress
Attractive and elegant design Feline was designed to impress you with its beautiful, feminine and elegant design. It has a unique design that will get you lots of compliments and has a great fabric.
Sewing Patterns - Hundred of options - Instant PDF download
Sweatshirt sewing pattern / Digital pattern for Jumper/ V-neck top/ Longsleeve/Vest - Lia - Lia. Four variations. ✂ SEWING PATTERN ✂ UK 6-18 / AU 6-18 / US 2-14 Style description: With added flare to a humble sweatshirt, the Lia top can be both a part of your relaxed look for the days out or comfy loungewear suitable for your days at home. Variations A and C have a wide ribbing neckline set on a deep V cut on the front, while Variations B and D feature a high stand-up neckline that softly
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