Kids Science

543 Pins
My Favourite Planet journal page printable - NurtureStore
My Favourite Planet journal page printable - Space theme language arts activities, space writing prompt
Pumpkin fizzy science experiment for Halloween - NurtureStore
Pumpkin fizzy science experiment for Halloween - NurtureStore
Dancing gummy worms candy science experiment - NurtureStore
Dancing gummy worms candy science experiment - Halloween science experiment using candy
8 easy science experiments using candy - NurtureStore
8 easy science experiments using candy - Halloween science lessons
What's inside a pumpkin investigation - NurtureStore
What's inside a pumpkin investigation - easy pumpkin science lesson for halloween
What's inside a pumpkin investigation - NurtureStore
What's inside a pumpkin investigation - NurtureStore
Eight ways to use these free printable three part leaf cards for forest school activities - NurtureS
Eight ways to use these free printable three part leaf cards for forest school activities - NurtureStore
Autumn Equinox homeschool unit with free printables - NurtureStore
Autumn Equinox homeschool unit with free printables - seasons lesson plan, learning about the equinox, how to celebrate the equinox with children
Five days of butterflies and caterpillars thematic unit - NurtureStore
butterfly thematic unit activities and butterfly life cycle free printables
Planets key facts for children printable card set - NurtureStore
Planets key facts for children printable planets ID card set, Space Unit lesson plan about planets
Stars lesson plan and free constellations printables - NurtureStore
star constellation cards printable, Space Unit, learning about stars with kids, simple star gazing printable