Конкурс школа

12 Pins
http://katrin-hobby.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_22.html... - a grouped images picture
(Part 2 of 8)---written directions on post---http://katrin-hobby.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_22.html
http://katrin-hobby.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_22.html... - a grouped images picture
(Part 3 of 8)---written directions on post---http://katrin-hobby.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_22.html
i jeszcze jedna...ślubna....:)
Quilled wedding card - by: nietylkokartk.blogspot.com
Quilling Circle Template Board. I ordered mine on EBay. Shipped from China. Couldn't find US or Canadian supplier.
Внутреннюю полосу немного подрежем , чтоб она не выступала за внешнюю и склеим рол... - a grouped images picture
Part 2 of 4---written directions on post---http://paper-art.jimdo.com/мои-мастер-классы/листья/
Quilling Sanatı Örnekleri - Mimuu.com
Quilling Sanatı Örnekleri , #quilling #quillingçalışmaları #quillingkağıdı…
Emelie ha på en vägg....fast hitta en kvinna i yogapose istället och använd tidningspapper o toarullar!?