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We all face challenges in our lives. What separates men of character from spineless wieners is the way they face those challenges. In the poem “Invictus,” British poet William Ernest Henley describes how a man should respond to challenges. “Invictus” is Latin for “unconquerable.” Every man should have an unconquerable spirit. When life kicks you […]
Thoreau's 16 Essential Quotes on Books and Reading
Thoreau's 16 Essential Quotes on Books and Reading | The Art of Manliness
The 54 Best Quotes on Courage
Have you ever wondered why it is that being called a coward is considered such a grave insult? It’s because courage is the lynchpin of character — that which makes possible every single one of its other dimensions; as Samuel Johnson once said (and Winston Churchill later paraphrased): “courage is reckoned the greatest of all […]
The Maxims of General George S. Patton
A collection of "Old Blood and Guts’" unapologetic musings on duty, action, and the brutal art of war.
21 Epigrams Every Man Should Live By
21 Epigrams Every Man Should Live By | The Art of Manliness
20 Aphorisms That I Thought Were Dumb as a Boy But Now Appreciate as a Grown Man
20 Manly Aphorisms | The Art of Manliness
Jack London's Wisdom on Living a Life of Thumos
A collection of Jack’s London’s quotes. Read a few when you’re feeling restless and sick of drifting through life.
The Lesser Known Wisdom of Benjamin Franklin
A collection of Benjamin Franklin's lesser known, but equally valuable, quotes.
What Does It Mean to Be a Man? 80+ Quotes on Men & Manhood
Manly Quotes | 80+ Quotes on Men & Manhood | The Art of Manliness
The Best Quotes on Fatherhood
The Best Quotes on Fatherhood
The Best Quotes on Fatherhood
The Best Quotes on Fatherhood