
14 Pins
Loch Ness Monster http://www.welivedhappilyeverafter.com/2013/11/lochnessmonsterstuffedanimal.html?m=1
New Product! Cut & Sew Bat Plush
Hey everyone! Over the last few months I’ve really been getting into Spoonflower – the awesome service where you can get custom-printed fabric. I’ve been using them a lot for custom gifts for frien…
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DIY Totoro ~ I must make this! So #cute! #Totoro ^___^ -- Dying to try making a huge floor pillow for my DH's birthday ;-):
Kleiner Wal zum Kuscheln - gratis DIY Anleitung und Schnittmuster
Шьем симпатичного текстильного кита: Мастер-Классы в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
How to sew fabric whale: tutorial and pattern / Шьем текстильного кита
Японские собачки: выкройки